
Consulting Services

Strategic Consulting Services

Support for M&A department construction

We offer support for creating and operating M&A departments within companies. In the past several years, there has been a boom in creating and operating M&A departments within companies. Our members are experienced in this area and have the knowledge for operating these M&A departments. The general outline of our service is given below.

  • Creating an M&A strategic proposal
  • Examination of Financing Methods
  • Creating M&A team (members are selected from both within, and outside of the company, note* introduction service fees excluded)
  • Introduction of specialist outside of company
  • Advice on creating the target list
  • Introduce routes on how to investigate companies (Bloom Capital recommends SPEEDA, a user base company)
  • Lecture within the company (Flow of M&A, Financial Analysis, Corporate Analysis, Business Analysis, Valuation of Company, Negotiation methods, etc.)
  • Support for creating Internal Approval documents, reports, etc. for M&A company candidates

Support for Overseas (Asian countries) Operation

Operation Consulting Services

This service is only extended to firms within the TMT sector. The general outline of our service is given below.

  • Business Strategy Proposal (In some cases, M&A referrals also given)
  • Support for Asia/ Eurasia Advancement
  • Strategic Consulting for Venture Companies
  • Long Term Consulting for Venture Companies that are thinking about exiting (*)

(*) We provide support for the creation of a Projection and KPI. This helps stabilize the predicted cash flow, making the projection more convincing. We than offer advice on financing, and conduct the actual financing activities. Appropriate finance strategies along with the appropriate amount of investment in business strategy will increase the overall enterprise value. We provide full support up until the point when the company actually exits.