Company Info
Company Info

Our Business Policies, Vision and Culture

Business Policies

At Bloom Capital, we conduct business with the purpose of “realizing dreams and happiness”, and “creating peace” for people around the world. Our daily activities are governed by the goal to foster a society where people can spend their days in peace through realizing their dreams and creating an opportunity to bring happiness to the people around the world. Through the financial services that we offer, we believe that best ownership defined by the capital markets around the world will shift towards equilibrium, and this will in turn contribute to our goals in the short run.


  • Short term Vision:
    To help establish an environment for best ownership, defined by the capital markets not only within Japan, but also around the world.
  • Mid term Vision:
    To establish a conglomerate and strengthen influences on society through Investment Banking (M&A brokerage advisory, financing, investment) industry, development industry, and advanced technology businesses as the basis.
  • Long term Vision:
    From a business perspective, assert a strong influence over the obscure dream of commercial peace and humanity.


  1. To oblige to our principles on trust, reliance and fairness
  2. To promote a harmonious environment
  3. To be constantly aware of the realization of social values

At Bloom Capital, we value trust, reliance and fairness. We prioritize these values, meaning that these values override all opportunities of short term profits. We believe those who have once worked with Bloom Capital will fully understand this meaning. Although we value these principles, it does not necessarily mean that Bloom Capital will avoid all conflicts, but rather, we continuously strive to promote a harmonious environment. We practice these principles not only with our clients, but also with other parties in the transaction. We hold true to these principles not only during our daily business activities, but also when determining management policies. We strongly believe in our values, and by following these principles we will be able to bring “peace” and help people around the world to “realize their dreams and happiness”.